

The Yoga Nidra: Sacred Sleep app, created by Kanya Kanchana, follows all applicable laws as well as App Store and Google Play Store guidelines. It does not collect, store, share, or sell your personal data, or compromise your privacy. You are never subjected to any ads either, even in the free version.

Only anonymous data is collected during normal app usage for analytics, diagnostics, policy compliance, and customer support. You may also opt in to share usage and diagnostics information with the app. Such data is not linked to you personally, nor is it ever used to identify you personally, or to track you online across apps and websites, or to show you targeted advertising or marketing, either directly or by connecting to third-party datasets.

All customer support is by email only. Any personal information you choose to share by email is treated as private and confidential and used solely for the purpose of helping you. If you leave a public review on the App Store or the Google Play Store, it may be used as a practitioner testimonial on the website.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: kanya (dot) kanchana (at) gmail (dot) com.